Our company
Preferred Financial and Management Services has been providing real estate services to numerous clients since 1984. The principals of Preferred Financial and Management Services, Inc. have been involved in the development and property management of over 1,300,000 square feet of diversified real estate projects in five states. These real estate projects have a combined value of over $175,000,000.
“To construct a high quality facility in a cost efficient and timely manner..”
— PFMS inc
Our skillset
Founded in 1 984, the principals of the firm have a combined total of 80 years of development, property management and real estate consulting experience. Preferred Financial and Management Services has an exceptionally talented team of people that combine strong technical skills with an appreciation for the uniqueness of the special-use facility industry. PFMS’s staff is devoted exclusively to the development of special-use facilities. The educational and work backgrounds are purposely broad with experience in such diverse areas as:
• Accounting and financial planning
• Tax exempt and corporate financing
• Property management/asset management
• Commercial leasing
• Legal
• Real Estate consulting
• Commercial real estate development
• Strategic and facility planning
• Membership Marketing
• Plant engineering and operation
Our approach
PFMS is a full-service real estate development firm dedicated to the acquisition, development, construction, financing, and marketing of specialized real estate projects such as hotels, hotels/condos, country clubs, historic restoration and specific-use buildings such as medical office facilities. The company is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. The principals of Preferred Financial and Management Services have over 80 years of combined experience serving a variety of owners in developing, acquiring and managing commercial real estate projects. Because the development and construction of special-use property is PFMS’s only business, the firm has the specialized experience and skills to address almost any development-related issue.
Our strategy
PFMS understands and respects the relationship between developer and client, and that understanding is applied to every facet of our development services. PFMS projects are geared toward satisfying our clients’ needs including:
• Providing a customized, functional environment for the owner and the customer
• Offering a variety of financing and ownership alternatives.
Our clients benefit from PFMS’s facility development expertise as well. PFMS’s willingness to become involved with a client early in the planning process sets the stage for a successful, long-term relationship. From the first visit with a client until the certificate of occupancy, PFMS’s primary concern is to provide a facility that meets the strategic objectives of the organization.
From the outset of a project, Preferred Financial and Management Services complements an owner’s/client’s existing resources and consistently adds value to the process. Whether the issue is strategic in nature (site selection, master planning) or project-specific (site planning, financing alternatives, project cost analysis, value engineering), PFMS has the resources and experience to assure a successful project. In addition, securing construction and permanent loans, arranging “off-balance sheet” financing and raising equity capital are strengths of PFMS and catalysts to move a project forward.
PFMS’s services are available to a variety of clients including:
- For-Profit Entities
- Not-For-Profit Entities
- Governmental Entities